EEEP! It’s done, it’s done! I feel incredibly on top of things this time around, because my registry is completely done. Well, I think. Who knows, I may add to it. But I am excited to share with y’all new items I am registering for with Baby R. For the most part, these are items that I either didn’t know about with Knox or they legit didn’t exist even just two years ago. I have different big ticket items this time around, too, since I have my stroller and MamaRoo. I hope this helps all you mommies-to-be as you navigate all things baby!
Big Ticket Items:
- The Snoo: Y’all, every review I have read or person I know who has this says “Get it!” They say it’s worth every penny. Knox was such an incredible sleeper from practically day 1, and I have hopes Baby R will be also. But, with a toddler around… I honestly just don’t want to even risk it. I want everybody rested so I can be the best mom to Knox and Baby R. The Snoo is essentially like having an extra set of hands to help baby sleep. Sign me up!
- The Willow Pump: Pricey, but worth it for the hands-free ability this gives mommas. Whether you’re a mommy of 2+ OR a work from home mommy… This pump sounds like a dream. I pumped the whole first year, and exclusively the last 6 months before weaning off breast milk. I legit got PP arthritis from how much work my fingers had to do with my regular Evenflo and Ameda Pumps. Not to mention how stressful it was to try to care for my baby, run a business, and pump all at the same time. I’m really hoping this lives up to the hype and helps me a lot this time!
- Crib and Changing Table: We will need a new set, particularly since Knox still is in his. This time, I am going for more modern and sleek. Bring on the darker tones and mid-century accents! It’s a total contrast to Knox’s all white and airy room with a sweet shiplap wall. Baby R’s room will have jewel tones and feel completely different. A fun part about having babies is you can practice all of your different decor tastes on them. 😉 I love BabyLetto and their quality is great. We had a cheaper set for Knox, and you just can tell. Pieces delivered to us broken two times, and the paint is peeling off of his crib from where he stands in the morning waiting for us to come get him. Because we don’t need as many high ticket price items this baby, I am looking to get better furniture.
Puppy Nursery :
We are doing a puppy theme for Baby R! It’s been so fun finding different pieces for his cute little room. Bring me all doggies (maybe even another real one…) Kidding… I don’t need that + 2 babies hehe.
- Hakka Pump: So many people on a recent IG post said get this no matter what. I had never even heard of it! But, while you pump on one side, you place this on the other. Apparently it helps manually pump/suck while you pump the other side. Sign me up for faster pumpings!
- EvenFlo Portable: This was a life-saver my first time around. The con is that they die fast if you use them too often. We went through 3 with Knox because I ended up using it for every single pump session. It’s called an “occasional pump” for a reason, I guess. It’s great to take with you to work or anywhere you need something portable and on the go with automatic storage!
- Brezza Baby Formula Dispenser: Look, this isn’t a necessity… but it seems too good to be true. A formula Keurig?! Because we used formula from so early on to supplement Knox for calories, I am ready to do the same with this one. Having this ready to go every day to mix with my breast milk sounds… SO FREAKING NICE.
- We have a ton from Knox still, obviously, so we don’t need a ton of outfits (though I am all about cute new outfits!). But as far as things go for what we need, I have registered for tons of newborn onesies and sleep-n-plays. These are LIFE those first 6 months. We lived in onesies and sleep-n-plays because they really do make life easier, and they’re so cheap. You will ruin every single one by the time they are grown out of them, so stick to the cheap, easy onesies!
- Tula Carrier: I never had a carrier for Knox, but I always wanted one. We just never prioritized getting one, though I really did need it. Sundays at church/on stage for practice would have been a lot easier with one. I tried all the fancy wraps and hated them. It seems stupid to me to having a million foot long wrap thing when you can have something simple like Tula that you just snap on. Sign me up for easy, please.
- MAM Pacis: We tried a ton of different ones, and Knox loved these. Every baby is different, so we will see. We really only used these until Knox was about 6 months and he just naturally phased out of them. We never had to go through the whole paci transition, but only because Knox just stopped wanting them. These were life savers the first months, though.
- High Chair: I picked this one because of reviews and it’s pretty. We had a different one for Knox that was top rated and highly spoken of… It was one that attaches onto the table. I personally hated it. Like, I am mind blown people love it. It was cloth, which I thought was odd. And it was as awful as I secretly thought it might be, but registered for against my better judgement because of reviews. No matter how much you scrubbed or washed… it smelled. Avocado never came out all the way, and I gave up on it. Knox just sat in a normal chair at our table from less than a year old. It worked fine for us, but I want to start with a normal high chair with this baby.
- SleepSacks/Love to Dream: These two were the most successful for us with Knox, and we figured out a system we loved with them! There are obviously tons of swaddle options, but these are our favorite. This style of sleep sack is what we used from the hospital to home as a newborn. We switched to the Love to Dream Swaddle Up around 3 months, and it was amazing! He transitioned great to them! Then, once they start rolling, you switch them to the arms-out version of the Love to Dream.
I have everything above linked, along with all the other items on our list, below!
I had two friends who were pumping during my bachelorette party and they swore by the willow pump! They walked around with them, had lunch in them, etc. Whenever I have kids, I plan on splurging to get my own as well. So necessary!