Happy SUNSHINE & Happy Spring, babes! I wanted to give you a YoungLiving re-stock haul I did this month and share what we use each item for around our home. Some are just clean scents while others are used daily in our home. I have slowly been swapping out items in our home that particularly impact my babies over the last 6 months or so with clean Young Living products. This started first and foremost with our cleaning supplies and high touch surfaces that they are around. I have been using YL for years, simply with scents and a diffuser, but I have really enjoyed changing out other household items with them more recently. I didn’t used to share their products much because it wasn’t an easy shopping experience for you guys. But that has changed completely with some recent changes they’ve made as a company and I am really excited to share items with you to shop like you would anything on my blog or through liketoknow.it. It’s the same now! Below is my personal website I pay extra for so that you can see ONLY the items I actually use rather than sifting through a ton of products I am not knowledgable about. It’d be like linking my curated posts on Liketoknow.it vs. an entire website link. I just think there’s a lot more integrity and care behind this way of sharing the products we love!
With that said… here’s my website. And below you’ll find the products from my March haul!
Thieves Household Cleaner: We buy this often and use daily. I keep a spray bottle and pour two caps full and then fill the rest with water! Sometimes, I add white vinegar for spot treatment. I use this on our quartz counters, our floors, our upholstery, our tile… everything. I added lemon to the sprayer yesterday with the water and Thieves and sprayed all over our living room rug that was smelling a little too “doggy.” It’s all purpose and I have zero reservations cleaning a tub and putting my bare babies in it right after!
Peppermint: We diffuse this and put directly onto our skin for pain. If you mix in the diffuser with lavender and lemon it helps with sniffles and allergies! Most recently, I have had horrible headaches with my pregnancy. I have tried everything and nothing worked for relief except peppermint on my temples! Basically instant relief. It was WILD. Writing this with it on my temples as we speak because I felt an afternoon migraine coming on.
Lemon: Another we use almost daily! I use to remove my clear plastic hair ties when I do styled hair dos (for real)… one drop and it pops off. I don’t pull out all my hair. I use it to remove stickers on products and purchases. And, I also diffuse because it smells delicious. I also have put in iced water when we are out of lemons!
Lavender: Another almost daily one… hence the restock haul 😉 Lavender is a sleepy time aid, great for burns and bug bites, and overall just one of my favorites to diffuse and mix with scents. When knox gets a bug bite he runs in and asks for “lamender”. I refuse to correct him.
Orange: This was a new buy but seemed right for spring and it is now one of my favorites ever. It’s strong so you only need a couple drops to go a long way. Currently, I just use in the diffuser to fill my whole home. Mix it with vanilla!
Grapefruit: Same story as Orange! I love fruity scents and windows open during the spring, and this one fits the description. It’s light and sweet and perfectly citrusy.
On the website, just like Amazon Prime, you need a login. This isn’t creepy and you won’t get weird MLM emails when you create one. I promise. And once you’ve created one you’re good! Then, you’ll either purchase items as a one time purchase or a subscriber which keeps things coming periodically. Subscribing a product saves you 24% on your purchase!
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