Let’s face it, we are human and have crappy days. Maybe even months, weeks… or even your year…
We go to sleep to Friends every night, so it was bound to show up in here somewhere.
Hey, they’re going to happen! But, in general I would say we could agree that we all want to lead happy lives. Right? We want to feel fulfilled at the end of every single day, wouldn’t you agree? A couple years ago, I set out on a mission to stop saying “I’m tired” every time someone asked me how I was. It was like without thinking, those words were always what came out and I was so sick and tired of being sick and tired. My journey to fullness started with narrowing down a schedule and routine that was right for me. Being intentional with my friendships, investments, and time has also been key to coming home full every day, as opposed to my tank always on empty.
Today I am sharing with you 5 things I do that creates a positive environment in my day to day life.
1. Early Riser and Slow Mornings
I am that person who loves her routine, and follows it by the book. If I have to be somewhere at 7, I will be up at 5 AM to be able to slowly start my day and do the things that I know will start my day out right. This means breakfast, reading, sitting with my dog and a cup of coffee, watching a bit of the news, and writing out my whole day (hour by hour) in my planner. On the very rare occasion that I do not get to do these things before running out the door, I end up frazzled and feel like a chicken with her head cut off the whole day. Starting slow and feeling on top of things for the day will keep you ahead of the game throughout your work day and everything you have to accomplish.
2. Healthy Choices
I am not saying to not eat the sweets every now and then. Listen, I have the world’s biggest sweet tooth and I will be the first to say I eat something sweet just about daily. But, what you choose to eat for your substantial meals truly will effect the rest of your life. Believe it or not, your gut determines the overall health of your body. I am a walking testimony to how a change of diet will completely change everything. When I found out what foods were not good for my body, what I didn’t respond well to and what I was allergic to, my energy levels shot out the roof, my attention span grew, and I was accomplishing more in my days and yawning a lot less. Not only does your body feel better and more capable of hard work, but you just feel better about yourself when you make smart choices. Pick that juice or smoothie rather than the afternoon cup of coffee. Go for the healthy protein instead of a burger from the local joint. I am all about healthy balance, so say yes to things now and again, but on your daily choices- go for the greens and whole foods. It really will make a huge difference.
3. It’s OK To Say No
I lived my life for way too long feeling obligated to say “yes” to everything. This led me to a very busy yet empty life. I was always tired, always frazzled, and always spread too thin. The best advice I was ever given was to say “no”. It’s a GOOD THING to say no to people, because ultimately when all you do is say “yes”, you will absolutely let people down. Either your work will be subpar or your ability to counsel or be fully present will be next to nothing. You don’t have to be at everything you’re invited to. GASP. Know who your core people are, this group should be smaller than you probably think. Your core group of people should be no more than 3-5. They are who you do life with, share everything with, and who positively influence you. By knowing your core people, you can easily filter your yeses and nos. If you have time for something on a slower week with people outside your core, do it! But stop fulfilling “obligations”. It will be the death of you.
4. Exercise
I know, I know. If you aren’t someone who likes to work out, you just made a face and are skimming over this one. BUT DON’T. Y’all, when I graduated college and was no longer part of a dance team to keep me in shape, I had a major fitness identity crisis. I gave up for a while and I was miserable. Now, no matter what my day looks like, I get in some kind of physical activity. It boosts my overall morale, energy levels, and I even think of my best new ideas often while working out. Taking time to take care of yourself for 30 minutes to an hour a day is so important. Like the food you’re consuming, your physical activity directly correlates with your work abilities, ethic, focus, and overall happiness. As Elle from Legally Blonde would say…
“Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don’t shoot their husbands, they just don’t.”
And all our husbands said “amen.”
5. Turn Off Your Phone
This one is the hardest for me, but so important. No matter what your job is, be it a blogger who is always on social media, a teacher, an accountant… whatever you do- we all are on our phones and computers all day long. When you get home from work, or when it’s time to “clock out” if you work from home like me, do everything you can to shut off that part of your life until the next day. Paul and I both have to remind one another to unplug, and it’s so imperative for our relationship that we do. The longer we work and stare at our phones, the greater our disconnect to one another and the people we love. This is what will leave you emptier than anything else. We were made for relationships, not a phone screen. Be present and fight for your relationships daily. This means hanging up. DO NOT have your phone out on the table during dinner dates with your significant other or with friends. Fight for your relationships and hang up when it’s time to unplug.
I hope these tips help you start a journey of choosing happy & full over empty and tired. At the end of the day, if what you are doing with your life every single day isn’t using your talents and bringing joy, find something that DOES. Your life will change significantly when you step out in faith to pursue your dreams and create a life that you want.
Love this romper I have on? ME TOO. I am so obsessed with it and have worn it to a couple fun events already since getting it. You can nab your own here from Tobi!
xoxo- Han
If you haven’t joined the #LoveLikeCake movement, head to The Cake Shop today for your cute tee that will help spread kindness like buttercream frosting! These are all original tees to The Cake Shop, dreamed up by me, and I am blown away by the hundreds of you that have joined the movement, rocked your tees and shared them. I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH.
All photos by Cottonwood Road Photography for The Cake by Hannah
Turning the phone off is such good advice, and definitely the hardest to do! I have recognized recently feeling upset by things on social media but I also noticed my time on social media has been sky high! Thanks for sharing your tips for happiness! 🙂