Last week we had our first real cold front and it got me giddy. I love cooler weather. I love the change of seasons. With it rolls in a new hope for what’s to come in the months ahead. New dreams, new perspectives, new adventures. With the official coming of fall, I have slowly been prepping my home and closet for the season and I wanted to share my top 5 favorite purchases so far!

- Mauve Hat (Also available in 3 other neutral colors): I love a good hat, and this one is just so pretty! If you have a smaller head, try wearing a headband underneath to keep it in place.
- Matte Liquid Lipstick: I own “Sell Out” and it’s the perfect deep toned pinky burgundy. I love it and it lasts for hours. ZERO smudge. It’s the perfect addition to a fall look.
- Pumpkins for the fireplace! I lined my mantle with an assortment of these and love it! Instantly adds a touch of the season without an overkill or feeling gimmicky.
- Chunky Neutral Yarn Throw: My besties saw this on my wishlist and included it in a gift basket for me after our loss. I love it so much, and I think it’s so beautiful. It can be added to the corner of literally ANY style of living room and look great. It’s a cozy autumn touch.
- Mary Jane Flats: These are very in this season, and I am so here for it. I love the prep fall trend for the season and low-key hope it never goes away. I love girly, chic style and there’s so much available this year! I have two very different price points below for you to shop!

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